5 Simple Workout Mistakes Done By Almost Every Person


Everyone gets their hands on a journal in their desk drawer and scribbles down some thoughts as they attempt to exercise. But sometimes, we forget to write down our mistakes along the way. The list of things that didn't go right while working out can be quite long. Here's our five most common mistakes people have made during their workouts.

1. Sitting too much

This is probably one of those common mistakes shared by almost everyone working out - when sitting down for an intense session, people tend to sit for hours. As soon as they find their breath comes back, they want to stand up immediately. However, since this isn't the first time you've hit the snooze button, don't get carried away in the morning rush. If you're working out for 30 minutes, try to extend it at least 20 minutes before repeating it. This will give your body enough space to recover, stretch, and recharge from all that sweat you've produced.

2. Eating More Than You Should

If you're going to eat for two full meals a day, go easy on yourself because nobody else will get to enjoy them. Eat half your calories before every meal, take one hour after work and do some light cardio afterward. It is important to remember that every calorie consumed has energy stored in your muscles and tissues that needs to be released to meet physiological requirements. For example, you are burning fats but you cannot store calories in them. When you eat a high-calorie snack, the body breaks down the glucose into fat cells that cannot be used by your muscles. You can burn through the fat cells by burning more carbs for energy, which is why cutting back on your carb intake is so crucial. Also, you should drink water instead of soda, juice, and other caffeinated drinks. These substances contain lots of sugar, which increases blood sugar levels and makes you hungrier. Therefore, you might feel hungry even though you ate nothing. To avoid eating when you're already tired, make sure you set small goals throughout the week. Instead of eating for the whole night, aim to drink about six-eight glasses of water, or an equivalent amount of reproach (if you have any), for each day of your workout.

3. Not Doing Stretching Exercises

Everyone knows how important stretching is for good health, but many athletes overlook this important step because of their busy schedules. If you're exercising regularly, start with simple stretches like the ones listed below. Do this daily, especially before your next big session to keep your joints mobile and stress free. Don't rely on equipment either, but it's always better to spend less money on the little extras than the big ones. After you’ve worked up an appetite using healthy alternatives, stick to these three basic stretches for maximum benefits.

4. Consuming Empty Calories

A diet rich in carbohydrates allows the body to produce insulin, which aids digestion; however, you shouldn’t let the high carbohydrate content of diets affect your fat loss efforts. Instead, switch to fiber-filled snacks to help you stay satisfied longer between meals. Try this protein-packed breakfast recipe. With no added sugar, no refined flour, and plenty of plant-based protein sources at multiple different price points around the world, you'll be able to indulge without breaking the bank. So grab two bowls of oatmeal, nut milk, dried fruit, sliced strawberries, fresh berries, blueberries, pomegranate seeds, nuts, and chia seeds and you’re ready to rock!

5. Stretching Incorrectly

Before you begin working out, check whether you have any sore muscles. A common misstep among beginners is stretching awkwardly with one hand and holding them in place for several seconds. While not recommended, you can still go ahead and do a couple of reps of pushups; however, it would improve if you avoided holding your elbows and wrists in unnatural positions for too long. Stretch properly before or after a workout, at least every 6 hours or so if possible. Another thing to remember is that poor posture may cause injuries if your body is overly stressed in any position. Before lifting weights, be gentle in your stance and hold it until you reach the point where your arms are straight, then slowly lower it toward the ground until it becomes comfortable again. Your doctor may want you to consult her for a complete program of treatment.

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